Community Stories

May 13, 2022

Seniors from the North Lauderdale community and beyond came to Riverside Church for an inaugural Age My Way event on May 12. 

They enjoyed food, games and door prizes while learning about resources in the community available to them. The Age My Way event was a partnership between Heart2Heart and Riverside Church, one that Heart2Heart plans to duplicate in other communities. 

“I think it was a pretty great event for our first time,” said Melissa Lopez, Heart2Heart executive assistant. “The seniors loved the activities.” 

The Zumba Gold class was the most popular activity, second only to the game of bingo. Zumba Gold instructors tailor the dance-based exercise specifically for seniors. The high-energy moves can be adjusted to those who are sitting. 

Between 15 and 20 seniors attended the event. Some of the seniors came with a Heart2Heart volunteer who regularly visits them through the nonprofit’s Relief Care program. Heart2Heart volunteers also helped set up the event and clean up after the event. 

The idea for the event came after Heart2Heart CEO Juan Gallo and Volunteer Coordinator Antonella Salerno attended a church event that catered to older adults. Juan began to envision what a similar event might look like if it was open to the whole community. 

“The event definitely was a win. I’m sure they’re going to want to do it again,” Antonella said. 

The Age My Way event was themed to match the observation of Older Americans Month, which is focusing on the ways older adults can claim independence and remain connected to their communities. 

Several vendors at the event helped facilitate the community connection. The Nova Southeastern University’s Alvin Sherman Library helped seniors with library cards. WellCare, Care Access and Pinnacle Insurance assisted seniors in attendance with insurance needs. Chen Senior Medical Center connected attendees with primary care doctors. Syneli Healthy Lifestyle Entertainment offered the Zumba Gold class.

Heart2Heart is looking to partner with other churches or businesses with space for more Age My Way events throughout South Florida. To learn more hosting or sponsorship opportunities, contact Riana Samaroo at 954-315-2218 or

Join the Team!

Becoming a Heart2Heart volunteer means that you are dedicated to serving the aging community. It means you want to connect in a meaningful way to a specific individual or to several people. It means you are committed to a consistent amount of time per month – whether that’s several hours a week or just a few hours per month.

Heart2Heart volunteers must be background checked and trained. Our training can be completed from your home on your computer or device, through the online Volunteer Portal. We run fingerprints in our office in Fort Lauderdale, and you can schedule an appointment with us after you finish the training.

The first step is to create an account on our Volunteer Portal. To get started, click here!

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Heart2Heart Volunteers Launch Relief Care Program to Support CaregiversTeens Bring Holiday Joy to Seniors

Heart2Heart Volunteers Launch Relief Care Program to Support CaregiversTeens Bring Holiday Joy to Seniors

This month, we’re celebrating Christ Community Church and their amazing youth group for bringing festive cheer to the seniors at Residential Plaza Blue Lagoon in Miami. Through games like Christmas Bingo, Scrabble, and Dominoes, these teens created a joyful holiday atmosphere, building connections that bridged generations. Their warmth and kindness reminded everyone of the true spirit of community. Thank you, Christ Community Church, for inspiring us all to bring light and love to those who need it most!

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Teens Bring Holiday Joy to Seniors

Teens Bring Holiday Joy to Seniors

This month, we’re celebrating Christ Community Church and their amazing youth group for bringing festive cheer to the seniors at Residential Plaza Blue Lagoon in Miami. Through games like Christmas Bingo, Scrabble, and Dominoes, these teens created a joyful holiday atmosphere, building connections that bridged generations. Their warmth and kindness reminded everyone of the true spirit of community. Thank you, Christ Community Church, for inspiring us all to bring light and love to those who need it most!

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Spreading love and joy to seniors this Holiday season 

Spreading love and joy to seniors this Holiday season 

This month, Heart2Heart Outreach and Church United came together for Good Neighbor Day as part of the Love South Florida initiative, spreading joy and connection to seniors in Assisted Living Facilities. Over 50 volunteers, including families, participated in activities like karaoke, fall crafts, and games, creating moments of laughter and heartfelt connections.

More than just a day of fun, the event reminded us all of the importance of ensuring seniors feel seen, valued, and connected. Thank you to everyone who helped make this day unforgettable and proved that love truly has no age limit.

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Bible Study brings memory care men together in fellowship 

Bible Study brings memory care men together in fellowship 

Volunteer Juan Ramos leads a men’s Bible study at a memory care facility. The group helped the men at the facility connect and open up as a group.

Not all the men are Christians. All the men have trouble remembering. But Juan lets the Holy Spirit guide his words.

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