Elizabeth Narain Kersting knows it’s easy to stay home and be lonely.
But that’s not how the 71 year old chooses to live.
For Elizabeth and her mother, Florence Kersting, 90, one way to stay social is Heart2Heart’s Age My Way events. Elizabeth, who lives in Plantation, says the key to staying young is to stay busy and to try new things. She loves to travel and is always up for spur of the moment activities.
The Age My Way events have been a welcome addition to her calendar. She has enjoyed the events for Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and, most recently, Mother’s Day.
“They’re very friendly there. It’s a way of meeting up with other senior people,” Elizabeth said. “Rather than being in a pond (of people,) you’re in an ocean. And it creates interest because they always have something different.”
She always brings her mother and friends with her when she attends these Heart2Heart events. She’s brought friends from Michigan, Maryland and even the Philippines to the events.
They all have a great time.
“Elizabeth is the life of the party whenever she comes,” said Rosie Castro, Heart2Heart Outreach Coordinator.
A Musical Treat
There usually is a theme at the Age My Way events, often surrounding a holiday that month. At the May 17 event, there was a lovely Mother’s Day floral backdrop where people could take pictures.
Elizabeth really appreciated the jazz band from Calvary Christian Academy.
“Oh, it was mind blowing,” she said. “Imagine all the 12 or 13 years old up there playing. It was really something else and it showcased the kids. They were beautiful songs, and they played some jazz, so everyone was tapping away.”
Elizabeth loved when the band played “Amazing Grace” and appreciated seeing talented young people working hard together to deliver such a lovely performance.
“You wouldn’t know that it was middle school, so that was an experience,” Elizabeth said. “Some of them looked so professional that I think they might pursue it as a career.”
Social Fun and Helpful Information
Elizabeth enjoys seeing some of the same people return each time to the Age My Way events, and catching up with her new friends.
In addition to the social fun, she always learns something new. On one side of the event, there are booths with people from the Area Agency on Aging, Humana, Care Plus, Palm Medical and other health and senior related organizations and businesses.
“It’s informative and shows what’s going on in the community,” Elizabeth said. “One time, a nutritionist came and talked about what kinds of foods seniors should be eating.”
Elizabeth would much rather stay healthy through whole foods and medicinal herbs than through a variety of pills, so she appreciated listening to the nutritionist and getting tips on staying healthy naturally.
She also always enjoys the raffles and trivia contests that the event usually puts on.
“The last one we went to, my mother won the biggest raffle,” Elizabeth said. “She got a blanket with a lot of goodies. I won the trivia last time, and I won the trivia this time, too. I correctly guessed the most common flower that are sold for Mother’s Day — they are carnations.”
Elizabeth encourages all seniors in the area to check out the next Age My Way event.
The next one is set for June 20, 2 to 4 p.m. The event includes games, trivia, raffles, refreshments, and community resources.
Register today to attend Age My Way!